The Botswana Public Officers’ Medical Aid Scheme (BPOMAS) came into existence through a Presidential Directive and was registered as a society (with the Registrar of Societies) in 1990. BPOMAS is a closed Scheme, which provides medical aid cover to public service employees as well as employees of parastatals (that were previously Government departments) who opt to remain members of the Scheme.
All Government employees are eligible to join BPOMAS and are entitled to 50% subsidy from the government. The Scheme ensures that member interests are protected and access to healthcare is assured. The affairs of the Scheme are managed by a Management Committee, which currently comprises 12 appointees. The Chairman of the Committee is the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health.
The Scheme has since its inception in 1990 been administered by Associated Fund Administrators Botswana (Pty) Ltd (AFA).
BPOMAS is a member the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa (BHF). This membership gives BPOMAS access to expertise and knowledge from within the health insurance industry worldwide.