
Ministry of Defence and Security


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Areas of Responsibility

Ministry Headquarters

The Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security exists to provide safety, protection, and promote human rights and rule of law through effective implementation of relevant national policies and programmes to achieve national peace and tranquility.  The Ministry provides leadership, policy direction, coordination and support to its departments to include matters relating to resourcing, maintenance of facilities, procurement, performance management and monitoring and evaluation.


An effective provider of public safety, defence, security and justice for all.


Accountability – We shall be accountable for our actions and decisions;

Botho – We shall deliver services with humility, courtesy and respect;

Excellence – We shall deliver our services efficiently and effectively;

Integrity – Display high level of trust, honesty, professionalism and dependability.




The Office of the Receiver has the primary responsibility of preserving and maintaining properties, assets and monies seized and or confiscated as proceeds of crime.  The Office facilitates for the effective operationalisation of the Proceeds and Instruments of Crime Act of 2014.  The Act in turn facilitates Botswana’s comprehensive response to crimes such as corruption, poaching, money laundering and terrorism financing. Given it’s complex mandate, the Office of the Receiver is strengthened by several experts to include lawyers, property or asset managers and valuers, actuaries, insurance experts, accountants, financial and banking experts so as to facilitate tracing of property and assets determined to be  proceeds of crime.


Chemical, Biological, Nuclear and Radiological Weapons Management Authority (CBNRMA) has been established under Section 5 of the Chemical Weapon (Prohibition) Act No. 20 of 2018.The Authority is the principal Agency in Botswana for the management of scheduled chemicals, nuclear material and controlled agents and toxins and coordinates, monitors and supervises all activities related to scheduled chemicals, nuclear material and controlled agents and toxins in addition to any other power conferred on it by the Act. Section 7 (1) of the Act  further provides for the  establishment and membership of the Board, whose primary role will be to oversee the use of Chemical, Nuclear, Biological & Toxin and Radiological materials to prevent their weaponisation.

Primary functions of the Authority are to monitor and implement various international instruments related to CBNR materials and toxins; Secure sites and sources of CBNR materials and transport  security; Collaborative border control strategies with neighboring states to strengthen import/export control and trans-boundary movement  of CBNR sources; Effective awareness enhancement on CBNR matters at all levels in stakeholder ministries, organization and Agencies; Prevent illicit uses of scheduled chemicals, biological toxins and nuclear material for weaponisation and proliferation financing thereof.


The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was established in accordance with Section (V) of the Illicit Traffic in Narcotics and Pyschotropic Substances Act of 2018. The Agency is mandated to collect, collate and disseminate information on illegal use of narcotic drugs and pyschotropic substances; receive, investigate any complaint of alleged or suspected breach of the Act;  address and advise Government Ministries and Departments, public bodies, institutions, companies, statutory bodies and corporations on ways and means of preventing prohibited activities relating to narcotic drugs and pyschotropic substances.



Botswana enacted the Anti-Human Trafficking Act of 2014 which in turn provided for establishment of the Human Trafficking (Prohibition) Committee.  The Committee, which is Chaired by the Permanent Secretary of Defence, Jutsice and Security, comprises key stakeholders from across Government as well as civil society and has the overall responsibility of determining policies for giving effect to the Act including the objects and purposes of the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons especially Women and Children.  The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit is responsible for coordinating the work of the Human Trafficking (Prohibition) Committee as well as ensuring the effective implementation of Botswana’s Anti-Human Trafficking National Action Plan (2018-2022).  The Plan takes into account the internationally recognised 4P Paradigm approach to combating human trafficking under the thematic areas of Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnership (national and international).  The Plan is also closely aligned to existing key national and sub-national frameworks such as the National Development Plan 11 (NDP 11), Botswana’s Sustainable Development Goals Roadmap and Vision 2036.


The Botswana Police Desk provides a critical daily link between the Ministry Headquarters and the BPS in so far as the administration and execution of duties is concerned.  The overall areas of responsibility of the Desk include matters relating to strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation on public safety and security, as well as facilitating the execution of resolutions emanating from Joint Permanent Commissions on Defence and Security ( JPCDS) and Bi-National Commissions (BNCs) amongst others.


The Botswana Prisons Desk provides a critical daily link between the Ministry Headquarters and the Prisons Service in so far as the administration and execution of duties is concerned.  The overall areas of responsibility of the Desk include matters relating to strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation on correctional excellence, public safety and security, as well as facilitating the execution of resolutions emanating from Joint Permanent Commissions on Defence and Security (JPCDS) and Bi-National Commissions (BNCs) amongst others.


The Private Security Services Licensing Unit exits to support the effective implementation of the Private Security Services Act of 2015.  The Act provides for the establishment of the regulatory authority, which is, amongst others, charged with issuing private security service licenses of operation and facilitating the renewal of such licenses.The Private Security Licensing Unit also has the responsibility of facilitating the work of the Private Security Licencing Board and disseminating, through appropriate information campaigns, the various functions and responsibilities of the Act.The Board has to ensure compliance with the Act and it`s Regulations and other related Botswana laws.


The Department of Justice is responsible for the facilitation and the development of various Acts implemented by the Ministry and its Departments.  The Department of Justice is also responsible for review and amendment of all pieces of legislation implemented by the Ministry.  The department is also responsible for the following unit;



Botswana enacted the Refugee (Recognition and Control) Act which responded to the United Nations 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the supplementing 1967 Protocol.  The Refugee Management and Welfare Unit therefore exists to ensure effective operationalisation of the Act. As such, the Unit oversees and safeguards the welfare of recognised refugees in Botswana.  The Unit is also responsible for facilitating the work of the Refugee Advisory Committee (RAC) which is in turn mandated with making determinations pertaining to asylum applications. The Unit works closely with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to provide refugee populations resident in Botswana with a three pronged durable solutions approach such as opportunities for local integration, resettlement and repatriation.



The Botswana Defence Force Desk provides a critical daily link between the Ministry Headquarters and the BDF in so far as the administration and execution of duties is concerned.  The overall areas of responsibility for the Desk include matters relating to strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation on defence and security matters, as well as facilitating the execution of resolutions emanating from Joint Permanent Commissions on Defence and Security (JPCDS) and Bi-National Commissions (BNCs) amongst others.  The Ministry also has a Defence Advisor (MODA) seconded by the Government of the United States of America to further strengthen identified areas of strategic cooperation between the two countries.



The Military Veterans Unit was established  to provide support services to separated members of the Botswana Defence Force (BDF).  Some of the services and support functions that the Unit facilitates and provides pertain to socio-economic support; burials and memorials; honours; healthcare; well-being; skills development and empowerment.

Departments/Sections of the Ministry

Ministry Departments:

  • Botswana Defence Force (BDF)
  • Botswana Police Service (BPS)
  • Department of Prisons and Rehabilitation
  • Administration of Justice (AOJ)
  • Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC)


Ministry Parastatals:

Legal Aid Botswana – is a parastatal under the Ministry charged with the responsibility to provide legal assistance on civil matters and provide the requisite services to the indigent.  Legal Aid is committed to providing such services to all those in need across the whole country. A Means Test is administered by Legal Aid Botswana to determine if an Applicant can be assisted.

Departments/Sections and Key Functions

Botswana Defence Force (BDF)

The Botswana Defence Force exists to defend Botswana’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and national interests.  It’s Vision is to be a professional, prompt and decisive Force.  Key functions include:

  • Ensuring national security and stability;
  • Protecting the people and their properties;
  • Protecting the constitution of Botswana to guarantee the rule of law;
  • Defending Botswana’s territorial integrity on land and in the air;
  • Preserving Botswana as a free, independent and sovereign state;
  • Aiding civil authorities in domestic support operations;
  • Strengthening Botswana’s international relations by participating in regional and international security cooperation.

Botswana Police Services

The Botswana Police Service exists to protect life and property and bring Offenders to justice.  It also duly enforces all written laws with which it is directly charged and maintains peace and order.  Key functions include:

  • Protect life and property;
  • Prevent and detect crime;
  • Repress internal disturbances;
  • Maintain public tranquillity;
  • Apprehend offenders;
  • Educate public on crime and related issues.


Administration of Justice (AoJ)

The Administration of Justice (AoJ) exists to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Botswana.  The AoJ is committed to ensuring access to justice for all.  Key functions include:

  • Administration of deceased estates;
  • Administration of the Guardian Fund;
  • Liquidation of companies;
  • Court proceedings and hearings;
  • Sentencing;
  • Sheriff of Botswana;
  • Adoption of children & children in need of care.


Attorney General’s Chambers (AGCs)

The Attorney General Chambers (AGCs) is the principal legal adviser to the Government.  The AGCs has in place structures and processes, and has developed strategies to ensure that quality legal opinions are provided to Government Ministries and Departments in good time. Key functions include:

  • Legal representations for Government;
  • Dispensation of Legal Aid to the Public;
  • Legislative Drafting;
  • International and Commerce Agreements;
  • Legal advice to Government and Government Ministries and Departments;
  • Public Prosecutions and Civil Litigation.


Botswana Prison Service

The Botswana Prisons and Rehabilitation Services exists to be a model institution of correctional excellence. It provides safe custodial care and correction to offenders through effective rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for the protection of society.  The service is also charged with the responsibility of reducing and eliminating recidivism.  The Key functions include:

  • Custodial care;
  • Rehabilitation of prisoners;
  • Presenting prisoners for trials/appeals;
  • Administration of sentences;
  • Prisoners health care;
  • Assist in reintegration of ex-prisoners;
  • Monitor community-based correctional programmes;
  • Monitor prisoners released for home-based care;
  • Prevent and address recidivism.