Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) is a parastatal established by the Botswana Qualifications Authority Act, No 24 of 2013, to:
A globally competitive, talented, educated, knowledgeable and skilled learner.
To regulate the education and training sector to promote inclusive and accessible quality programmes, lifelong learning, and protection of learner interests.
- Commitment: Efficiency, speed, compliance, coherence, knowledge, outcome, integrity, transparency, honesty, ethical conduct, equity, trustworthiness.
- Customer Focus: Engagement, customer friendliness, responsiveness.
- Innovation: Impact, progressiveness, open mindedness.
- Accountability: Responsibility, performance, decision making, teamwork, focused vision, conduct.
- Inclusivity: Equitable access to relevant high-quality education regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, health, disabilities, stage of development, capacity to learn and socioeconomic status.
- Collaboration and teamwork: Partnership, learning, networking