BOFWA is a nationally recognized leader in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) that ensures reproductive health including Family Planning (FP) as a human right to all individuals and families. It is led by volunteers as policy makers and management as programme implementers. Working for 22 years towards this mission, BOFWA pioneered Youth Friendly Services, Parent Peer Education and contributed immensely national SRH, HIV & AIDS, youth development and family welfare. Currently BOFWA provides more than 150,000 services a year. Out of these 100, 000 are family planning.
The organization shifted from the 1988 offering of Family Life Education to delivering comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services since 1996. In the last five years, BOFWA adopted the programmatic priorities of the global IPPF known as the 5 ‘A’s: Access, Adolescents, STIs/HIV/AIDS, Abortion and Advocacy. The “supporting strategies” of Institutional Strengthening and Sustainability and Resource Development capacity building were developed to underpin the 5 ‘A’s, as they are essential to the continuity and expansion of programs and services.