
Ambrose Academy


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We want children at Ambrose Academy to learn, lead and to make a difference.



Ambrose Academy is a unique, inclusive school that offers quality holistic education to all learners. We strongly believe in giving all children the opportunity to get the most out of their academics and non-academics for them to thrive. Not only locally, but also out of an international level, regardless of their unique abilities. The academy offers a Pre-School and Primary School education for PSLE and IMPAQ curricular. The main objective of the Academy is to ensure that no child is prejudiced as far as mainstream education is concerned.

The model of the school is to have small classes of a maximum of 25 pupils with a teacher and assistant teacher. Our model strives to provide individual attention on every learner, as such small numbers are necessary. Currently our classes comprise of a maximum of 10 learners per class.


To equip children with quality education and therapeutic services so that they can have a better future and be independent members of society who can also contribute to economy of the country.

To provide an inclusive education through provision of quality curriculum that caters for each child’s expected developmental milestones.


We have well rounded staff

The Academy staff is very pertinent to the Academy delivering its unique and complex model of learning.

The Academy tries to upscale the staff regularly through workshops and coaching so that they deliver excellent results. The School Head is mandated with the implementation of the Academy’s day to day activities. The School Head is assisted by highly qualified professionals namely the Speech Therapist and Language Pathologist, an Integrated Learning Therapy Practitioner, a Special Education Consultant, an Occupational Therapist, Early Childhood Educational Teachers and Administration Staff.
