The Special Economic Zones (SEZ) policy adopted by the Government of Botswana has been designed to attract world class domestic and foreign investors by offering them developed infrastructure, state of the art technology, beneficial inter-sectoral linkages, improvements in economies of scale, specially trained skilled labour force and targeted economic incentives. Botswana’s SEZ policy seeks to:
- Coordinate, promote and facilitate SEZ investments
- Identify locations for establishing SEZs
- Ensure basic infrastructure and utilities are in place
- National and international programmes promoting SEZs
- License SEZ investors
At a broader level SEZs are intended to achieve the following:
- Diversify the economic and export base of Botswana beyond the diamond mining sector
- Provide a hassle free business environment offering investors a competitive edge in world markets
- Establish a one stop, full service business environment catering to the needs businesses located within the SEZ
- Create business development opportunities for small, medium and micro-enterprise suppliers who meet the logistical and ancillary needs of SEZ enterprises
- Develop a portfolio of public sector, private sector, and public-private partnerships (PPPs) with the SEZ as the market indicates
- Develop SEZs, which are integrated with domestic, regional and international markets
- Categories and coordinate business development within SEZs to promote inter-sectoral economies of scale
- Provide SEZ incentive packages consistent with Botswana’s domestic and international trade obligations
- Develop SEZ labour laws consistent with the ILO standards
- Create employment through the countrywide development of SEZs