The Botswana Trade Commission (BOTC) was established by an Act of Parliament in 2013. It is mandated to regulate, inter alia, the import and export of goods. In order to fulfil this mandate, the Commission is expected to carry out a wide range of functions. The Commission is required to:
BOTC was established as part of implementation of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Agreement of 2002. The Agreement advocates for establishment of national bodies in Member States as specialised independent and dedicated entities entrusted with the receiving requests for tariff changes and other matters related to the Common Customs Area. The national bodies liaise with the SACU Tariff Board established at a regional level to ensure joint decision making by all members of the Customs Union. SACU Member States are Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa.
BOTC is a parastatal of the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) set up to:
Create an enabling environment for fair international trade practices through effective administration of trade instruments subject to the BOTC Act; and
Support the industrialisation and diversification policies of the Government thereby contributing to economic growth and sustainable employment in Botswana.