
Camphill Community Trust Botswana


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Our Purpose

We offer quality education, training, and work experience. We facilitate self-directed community inclusion and employment.

Two people in hats farming leafy greens and beetroot.

Who are we?

Camphill Community Trust is a community located in the village of Otse in the Ramotswa District of Botswana.

Rankoromane School is a primary school and Motse Wa Badiri Training offers post-primary education and training. The community is located in an organic farm and also has a number of social enterprises.

Rankoromane School provides primary school education for 60 children with learning difficulties and related disabilities aged between 5 – 14 years.

Motse Wa Badiri Training offers a four-year learning programme for people with learning difficulties or disabilities who are fourteen years or older. A transition support programme offers support to graduates in finding employment or other sustainable livelihood.

Seed Saving in the Nursery

Transplanting Seedlings from the Nursery

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Garden Center Decor

Camphill movement

Camphill Community Trust is a part of the international Camphill movement which was founded by Dr Karl König and a group of close associates in 1939 in Scotland. The first Camphill community was a school for disabled children, set within the context of a shared communal life. The school flourished and led to the founding of other Camphill centres, some offering schooling, some training for disabled people and others long term employment and sheltered living.

Eight student starting a sprint, some barefoot.

More on the Camphill movement

The Camphill movement now includes more than 100 centres in 18 countries. Each centre is affiliated to the international Camphill movement but is managed and financed independently.

Camphill Community Trust was started in 1974 as a small school for children with learning difficulties and other disabilities. It has since grown to become a place of learning for children and young people with diverse needs from early childhood through to independent adult life.

Camphill services

Tents and tables of community gatherings

Social Enterprise

Provide real-world business environments in which vocational learning can take place, and also provide income to the community.

Exciting eurythmy class with the learners

Rankoromane School

Provides primary school education for up to 60 children with learning and other disabilities aged between 5 – 14 years.

Building a mud hut together

Motse Wa Badiri Training

Offers a four-year learning programme for 96 people with learning difficulties or disabilities who are 14 years or older.

Camphill Community Trust

The Hall
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