
Sandfire Motheo


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Sandfire Resources is an Australian mining and exploration company which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX Ticker: SFR). With a strong operational base and a clear strategy to grow into an international diversified and sustainable mining company, Sandfire’s business is underpinned by a demonstrated commitment to the highest standards of safety, responsibility and sustainability.

This dedication has been recognised through receipt of numerous industry awards including: Prospector of the Year; Best Australian Explorer; Developer of the Year; Hard Rock Mine of the Year; and in 2019, the Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence.

About Sandfire’s Botswana and Namibian Operations

Our operations include the development and construction of the Motheo Copper Mine in Botswana and regional exploration activities across the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana and Namibia.

The Motheo Copper Mine is centred on development of the T3 Deposit, which is a significant sediment-hosted copper and silver deposit, located in Botswana. The Project is held through in-country subsidiary Tshukudu Metals Botswana (Pty) Ltd. The Motheo Copper Mine will be the first of what is anticipated to be an extensive pipeline of resource development projects for Sandfire in the Kalahari Copper Belt.

Our exploration projects are predominantly held through in-country subsidiaries Tshukudu Exploration (Pty) Ltd and MOD Resources Botswana (Pty) Ltd, which hold a significant landholding across the underexplored Kalahari Copper Belt in Botswana and Namibia.

Our team in Botswana work seamlessly with specialists from Australia, including Sandfire’s executive management team, liaising on a daily basis. We have an office in the nearby town of Ghanzi, which is the focal point for managing human resources and community relations in the Ghanzi District and our corporate office is located in Gaborone.

About Botswana

Botswana is a safe, democratic, politically stable and mining-friendly jurisdiction with a supportive government (rated number 1 in Africa on policy and number 11 globally in overall investment attractiveness by the 2020 Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies).

Botswana is committed to further diversifying its resource sector, which currently contributes ~80% of the country’s exports and ~30% of its GDP. The nation has a skilled workforce, good infrastructure and sound mining legislation and environmental controls. There is strong local support for development of the Motheo Copper Mine, with the project able to leverage off extensive local infrastructure and support.
